الأربعاء، 5 يوليو 2017

Unexpected shocks you will face immediately after your marriage


Marriage means a new way of life for a person. According to research conducted on 10 thousand people, the first year of marriage is a year characterized by its positive and negative, on the threshold there are several shocks facing the individual in this period may have never thought before, we will mention five participants In the study.

No longer on your own

Participants in the study considered this to be the first shock facing the individual immediately after marriage. In this period, the decision will not be yours alone, whether you decide to go back and forth, decide where to go, decide what color you want to buy, Wear it. In short, all your decisions will become hostage to your partner.

The time for sleep has ended and the early sleep phase has begun.

The first year after marriage, night vigil is rare unless there is an agreement between the two parties,
The study showed that most men slept early in contrast to their pre-marital nature, which is considered "shocking" in some and "grace" in others.
"We lost the nostalgic periods we spent with movies at night," one of the men in the study said.

Increased responsibilities and duties.

After marriage there are duties that have not existed before, both for women and men.
Beginning with the material and household work through social relations, so that after marriage expands the circle of the family and become each husband and wife of a new family and commitments towards it

There is someone who shares your bed.

Although sleeping next to someone you love is a good thing and one of the causes of happiness, but sometimes you will look from a different perspective, the study showed that men and women considered that sleeping next to the partner of life loses you the absolute freedom that was in bed as if to throw your body and fluctuate On both sides, after marriage, you are forced to set aside a specific side of your bed.

The house is untidy.

Most men will admit it. In the first year after marriage, the house will appear as uncluttered as your mother's house, because you will simply have to arrange yourself. This will continue for a short while and you will become accustomed to it.

الاثنين، 3 يوليو 2017

Mistakes committed and negatively affect your shape and beauty


The standards of the mark differ between the sexes, and from society to another, but 
the studies generally revealed some common mistakes among the majority of people directly affect the degree of integrity Among these errors are found 6 are the most common:

 Lack of sleep

Not sleeping for long enough is one of the most important mistakes affecting human beauty.
The need for adequate sleep equivalent to 8 hours a day called "Beaty Sleep" is one of the most successful skin treatments and the lowest cost can not creams and cosmetics of the skin, whatever the different types can lead to the result required if not supported by a quiet and deep sleep.

Do not dry the skin after bathing

Some people neglect to completely dry the skin of the face and body, causing irritation of the skin and the possibility of transmission of fungal infection and thus may show redness and acne.
Experts therefore urge that the skin should be dried well before wearing clothes.

Do not drink water

Drinking water at the rate of 8 glasses a day is mandatory to maintain the skin, because the water helps improve blood circulation and thus reach the food all over the body as well as drinking water helps to eliminate toxins in the body and skin, which increases the skin luster and freshness

Neglect the use of sunglasses

Whether it is women or men, there is a need to prevent harmful sunlight, so experts say that using sunscreens or sunscreen is good when going out is one of the reasons for increasing the degree of correctness and vice versa.

Discard exercise

Exercise improves blood circulation and increases the volume of nutrients that reach the cells of the body through blood, as well as sports purify the mind and calm the nerves and mood. These factors also affect beauty.

Do not follow a healthy diet

A healthy diet does not mean eating sugar-free foods or containing only essential nutrients, but eating at specific times as well, which most people ignore and affect their beauty.

Signs honest the other person is not want to a romantic relationship with you


There are many ways in which a person expresses his feelings because every human being has a special experience but at the side of the site "Huffingtonpost"  the site collected the most signs and indicators of feelings of rejection in emotional relationships, if they are all in evidence that the other person does not want to be associated with you and you accept the truth
The signs is :

Do not ask about your things or talk to you regularly  
In this case he don’t begin to communication  to you and he don’t send to you to continuation and 
regularly, maybe he don’t answer  with you

Conversation him  is superficiality and don’t deepen more 
When this person speaks you about  deepen  affair, he don’t partner  his problem  or special story, he considers you person far away from you, he don’t like from you more

Always claims to be busy   
The classic excuses that have no place in cases of admiration or love.
A person who claims that his schedule is always busy and there is no time to devote to you, he often does not like you, there is a previous study conducted in this part specifically concluded that the person who really loves you will be dedicated enough

He avoids meeting his family
A study conducted on Western societies revealed that the first step taken by a young man who is sincere when he decides to be associated with a certain girl is to identify her family and especially her mother. This can be dropped on Arab societies as well. If a person is late for this step, he is often still in doubt. Not impressed with the girl and seeks to exploit only.
The same applies to the girl as well.

Critically criticize your appearance
Not liking this person will appear in his assessment of your appearance constantly, so that if a man will criticize certain qualities in women such as make-up, hair and dress, but if a woman she will criticize the appearance of dress next to the behavior of virtual permanently.

Everyone who meets you want to thing know about you from the first look


The first Impression and rapid governance is one things of nature
That do it most people For reasons Defensive psychic.
The First meeting with person First time
 is assessment in a fast

Are you intelligent or normal person ?
When you speak with the person, he will try answer you about this question " Are you intelligent or normal person ?" he known the right  way to deal with you.

Are you leader or follow ?
Intelligence and leadership are two things that bind with each other, the people are ability on leadership their actions and their looks are different from the followers
So they are easily distinguishable.

Are you aggressive or quite ?
There are basic defensive mechanisms to evaluate and create a general impression of your personality, in the first meet other people can know the  mood  

Are you religious person or not are ?
In some Communities "especially developing countries" this religious person considered worthy of safety, while a person who is not committed or partially committed is a troubling person

Are you lying or honest ?
Can you be dependence and trust to you or not can. For thousands of years, man has experienced a bad experience of lying and honesty, so in first meeting is concentrates the degree of credibility. Do you falsify the facts in whole or in part or create false narrations with

 the intention of deceiving to achieve a particular goal?
Are you cocky or Humble? 
Is essential The arrogant is characterized by the speed of talking about himself, while the humble characterized by a smile and tolerance and non-boycott in the talk.

Are you open minded or introvert?
The features of the face and the way of disposition are the most specific mechanisms for the nature of human social others can know the features of openness and convergence in the person easily from the first meeting.

Are you rich or poor?
A large proportion of women assess men in the first meeting with him according to the physical standard.

How to show your love intelligently by way of text messages only


Everyone knows time of technology to connect; Electronic conversations and massages through phone have become traded unusually, the connect with a lot of people through text massaging only instead going to and meeting face to face.

 These steps are practically enough for you to meet the other side. To express your feelings toward him, it is useful for shy people     

Don’t start very seriously:
The kindness is the main factor to open text conversations; you have to attention to the first letters. You do not have to try to attract the parties to the conversation with the person you love, so not to be  easily discovered  calm your nerves and send the message when it's time appropriate, don't think about it too much. Expert tells you have to do not think a lot of one minute in the massage the best you will send, because the massage will be artificial.

Ask an opening question: 
The opening question Inability other said on answer "yes" or "No", try ask an opening question is Introduction to continue in chat and developed.
Ask around everyday things happen in this person day. Such as how was your birthday party? Or How was the vacation on it...
Most of these questions should be the prelude to the debate.

Be creative and distinguished:
It is hard to be special through text messaging; if you is special, you will get like who you talk to immediately him.

When you catch your phone for other said in something can't say any other person, so you will concern enthusiasm and interested of the person which you love and it will make him attentive to answer you immediately.

Show you interested: 
Try finding a way to show you interested with this person, ask around this person life or by reassuring him of his constant moods and psychological condition. It will increase more and more close.

Do not focus on expressive symbols much:
Experts are advised not to focus on emoticons, because it's reflect the picture and don’t show your real feelings. So If you're sad and use the sad face, your message will be weak. If I send a message without a sad face that does not reflect the degree of sadness.
 Use emoticons only in funny situations and don't focus on them in serious situations.

Be quiet:
When you want to send someone you love, you have to be quiet and not more excited. Avoid a lot of questions or ask a question drawn with it many question marks.
When you show extra enthusiasm while you are massaging the other side, It will weaken your attempt to communicate with him.